Data management for translations

Translation and marketing agencies as well as professional copywriters can automate the entire process of data exchange with the e-shop.


Complete automation of data exchange with e-shop

LOCO connects data from any XML, API or directly using an add-on (Shoptet, Upgates). With one click you can then export the data to xliff format for processing selected products and categories in your translation tool. Export the finished translations via LOCO directly to the client's e-shop. Both client and agency have an overview of the products' status at any given moment.

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Clear dashboard

Clients and the agency have an overview of the translation status of individual products at any time. Have the products been translated by AUTO translation, by a human translator, have they been edited or are they still waiting to be translated? What I can measure, I control!

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Product updates

New products in the e-shop?
You can see them immediately in LOCO and have them translated immediately by AUTO translation or exported for translators.

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Cost savings

By automating the process, you save a lot of unnecessary communication regarding data exchange with the client. You will export a unified xliff from LOCO, thus eliminating the work of cleaning the data for uploading to the CAT tool.


Applications directly for e-commerce

Products are at the forefront of our minds. They are the alpha and omega of e-commerce. This is what makes LOCO different from traditional translation tools that primarily deal with texts as such. From LOCO you simply export the texts for the selected products in xliff format (2.1 and 1.2) for translation by your translators in the CAT tool of your choice. We will clean the data from HTML tags (in case of formatted texts). However, we will return to the same words after translation to preserve the formatting of the texts for the client.

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Brands (Brands)

The application identifies individual tags in names and texts and automatically omits them from the translation.

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Formatting your texts (HTML tags)

LOCO also detects text formatting and can preserve it during translation.

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URLs inside texts

The application recognizes URL links in all texts. In LOCO you can easily edit them in bulk for the needs of the foreign market.

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Changes to source language texts

The texts on the source e-shops are commonly changed, but LOCO automatically detects them. You can update them for the client.

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You can fully automate the entire process with simple rules. LOCO will automatically translate new products and update translations for changed products. You just check everything on the dashboard.

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Prioritizing your work

In LOCO you can translate only selected or all products.

CAT tool

PRO module

LOCO has its own CAT tool for translation by its own translators. Do you want to ensure maximum speed and efficiency of translation? Use our custom module to track translator activity and statistics. Translators translate on a product-by-product basis and only unique sentences that are not already in the TRANSLATION MEMORY of the client. Immediately after translation, each product is exported to the e-shop.

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Custom dictionary

LOCO allows you to create your own dictionary to translate specific words.

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Translation Editor

The translator sees the image and the overall text for context to make the translation as accurate as possible.

Try out LOCO.
We will evaluate the content quality for your TOP 50 products for FREE.