PHRASE and Shopify integration

With LOCO, you can easily connect your translations from Phrase's CAT tool to Shopify's e-commerce platform.


translations from Phrase to Shopify e-shop

Do you handle translations in CAT tool Phrase? LOCO can export your product and category translations from Phrase and push them directly to Shopify's e-commerce platform. You can automate the entire process, avoiding complex data conversion between the two systems.

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Process automation

The data transfer between the two systems will go like clockwork. In LOCO, you can see the status of individual products and their translations on a clear dashboard.

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Unified solution

Our predefined workflow saves hours of work setting up, forwarding and migrating data between the two systems.

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Cost savings

Save your employees a lot of unnecessary work.

Try out LOCO.
We will evaluate the content quality for your TOP 50 products for FREE.