Apr 29, 2024

AI Copywriter - product content assistant for e-shop

Human copywriter or AI copywriter? A question that can divide the e-commerce world into two camps. We at LOCO see it differently. The key is not to put the two worlds against each other but rather to combine them and use the best of each. AI Copywriter can bulk-prepare texts (and enrich them with SEO and formatting) quickly and much cheaper. A human then gives them a final shape and always adds something extra, more personal, more human... In this article, we'll take a look at how to work specifically in LOCO and effectively leverage AI for quality e-commerce content creation.

AI Copywriter - product content assistant for e-shop

Copywriter and AI copywriter

Who is a copywriter? A copywriter is a person who writes texts for a living, especially texts with a marketing or sales purpose. He or she may create texts for products for your e-commerce site or even write a blog. Many e-shops use the services of professional copywriters, but many do not.

So what or who is an AI copywriter? Simply put, it is a virtual assistant powered by artificial intelligence that can partially replace the work of a human copywriter. We're intentionally writing partially, not completely! Because the quality of the text output that an AI copywriter produces depends on the quality of the task. Even so, the output is not equal to that of a human professional. So what can you expect from a copywriter? Read on.

How AI Copywriter works in LOCO

One of the features of LOCO is the AI Copywriter. It is useful for generating new product texts, but mainly for improving existing ones. And text improvement is an area where you will appreciate such a helper. How so?

💡 The product page usually contains the name, description, parameters, and pictures of the product. Did you know that the text part is more important than the thumbnail image for selected product groups? With electronics, books, or car accessories up to 60%

Insufficient product texts

In our experience, many e-shops have large gaps in their product texts. Imagine that you sell, for example, sports equipment for various sports. The supplier only provides you with brief product descriptions and brief additional information. You offer hundreds or thousands of products on your e-shop, but the product texts all look the same. They don't interest the customer, they don't take SEO into account, they are incomplete, they are without juice. Does this affect your sales? Absolutely.

AI Copywriter as a fast and effective solution

How to deal with such a situation? Basically, you have two options. You can get a copywriter (or, in case of a large volume of texts, copywriters) to proofread your product one by one. You'll probably also need an SEO specialist on hand to get the data you need so that together you can optimise your offer for search engines. You need to assign them the work, send them the documents, manage it, and keep an eye on its performance and deadlines, plus check it. You then need to get the texts and products back to the e-shop. And last but not least, everyone wants to get paid properly. What does it cost you in the end? Time and money.

Let's make it easy for you and try out our AI Copywriter. You connect your e-shop to the LOCO app and in a simple interface you can select which products you want to customize. Are you missing text for your products? Generate them yourself. Do you feel that the existing texts need a bit of a boost? Imrpove them. Do you want to add keywords to the descriptions? You optimize them for SEO. Do you want to format your descriptions? We'll format them for you.

What is the biggest advantage? You can do the above steps in one go and in bulk! You don't process product by product, as by using another AI tool, but simply select all the texts to be edited. In addition, your human copywriter can work in the app and edit what is needed. Such collaboration will cost you less and you won't have to worry about data transfers, exports, and imports. You can monitor the performance of individual tasks all the time on a clear dashboard.

Don't underestimate the input data and input

In order to achieve the desired result with the help of AI Copywriter, the input data and the formulation of the assignment are very important. We will be happy to help you with this setup, our specialists are dedicated to it on a daily basis. By input data we mean as much information about the product as possible - name, description, category and other parameters. The more information you have for existing products, the better AI Copywriter will understand what text you need to create. The output will then be a generated text that contains keywords and is formatted to appeal to both search engines and customers.

The general specification for improved text, which is predefined in LOCO, is to optimize descriptions for SEO. However, the requirements can be modified according to your needs.

What texts can we improve?

  • Product name

The name of the product is the most important. It is the name that you can set to be optimized for search engines. If you have SEO in your sights, your products will show up at the top of searches and customers will see them first. You need to make the title as accurate as possible and specify the product well. Many e-commerce stores use simple names that do nothing to differentiate their products from the competition. We get it, not everyone has a copywriter. But why not change that when you have an AI Copywriter at your fingertips.

  • Short description (annotation)
  • Long description

💡 Did you kow that the product name has a 20% impact on organic (unpaid) traffic to your e-shop? The title is the first thing a customer sees and can catch their attention. A well-chosen title can boost SEO and increase your product's visibility in search engines.

In the case of product name improvement, we have set up a template that edits the text in the form of it

Brand + product name/model/type/code + parameters (colour, material, size, etc.)

This is what the original product text might look like:

And this is what the new improved text looks like:

Bulk text improvement

The key to success in today's e-commerce world is automation. Working efficiently and massively with AI is the alpha and omega of today's e-tailer. With smart apps, you can automate a lot of steps, saving you work and time. You don't edit product texts individually, you improve them in bulk. Staying with the sports equipment e-shop - you either improve the texting of all products at once, or you proceed e.g. sport by sport. In the LOCO app interface you then go to the Products section. There you select the ones whose texts you want to improve and confirm the action by clicking on Improve with AI.

Then you select specifically which texts to improve (title, annotation, long description, or all), the source language of the text, and click on Send for improvement. Just like that. 10,000 products.

In the product listing, you will then see which products already have improved texts and which do not. You can see their status in the AI Improvement column. To help you navigate the product list, use the filter to view the results by imrpovement status.

What to watch out for?

When enhancing your existing text, it's good to remember that the AI Copywriter imrprovement only results in formatted text.

  • If you have videos, images or links in the product description, for example, these will be lost.
  • Do your labels contain information arranged in tables? Note: You may lose the table altogether or its format may "fall apart".

Manual adjustments on the output

Selected texts have now been improved and you can view and review them. Do you think they still need some minor editing? Or a check by a copywriter or proofreader? Right in the app in the product preview, you can edit the product text as you need it. You'll see a comparison of the original and improved text, and you can edit the improved text freely. And when you're done editing, simply save the text in the interface. If you're not happy with the result, you can remove the enhancements.

Export of finished texts

You can export the new and improved products from LOCO to CSV, XML, or, in the case of the Supplement, directly to the e-shop. In the application, you define a new export connection where you can have the products listed and exported.

Finally, we'll open up two hot topics that arise quite naturally in discussions about the use of AI as a copywriter. You may still be hesitant about whether it's the tool for you.

1. Do I need to check the texts after AI?

As we wrote at the beginning - AI Copywriter can serve as a great helper, but it is still a computer algorithm that is not flawless. Therefore, a check by a human professional on the output is desirable, though not strictly necessary. Thanks to rapid technological developments, gone are the days when an artificial intelligence may have quickly produced a text, but the copywriter spent the next hour trying to figure out what it actually wanted to say. Then he had to rewrite the whole thing anyway, and the AI's work was useless. LOCO uses the implemented ChatGPT-4 and its text output serves as a very good pre-preparation of product texts.

2. Who does AI Copywriter help?

Can I rely on AI Copywriter? Is it worth using its texts on my e-shop? Can I trust it? You may have all sorts of questions in your head, but we're saying yes to all of them. Copywriters were afraid that AI would take their jobs. Changing the point of view,   AI can make (not only) their job significantly easier. Do you recognize yourself in any of these situations?

  • You have launched your first small e-shop and you manage it yourself. In the evenings you add product after product, but by the tenth text you are out of breath and out of words. How to describe the same thing over and over again in a slightly different way? And what about SEO?
  • You sell a range of kitchen equipment online and you have two copywriters on hand. While the first one delivers great product description, working with the second one is a challenge. Half the products are well-written, the rest you're a little embarrassed about. Your e-commerce offer now looks very inconsistent and spoils the overall impression. But where to find another reliable copywriter? Do you even have the time?
  • Your selling season is in full swing, with paper goods going on sale before the start of the school year. You've got lots of suppliers and a huge range of products, but you can't keep up with adding them to the e-shop. Not only are you drowning in work, but so is your team. You're losing profits. Is it possible to speed up the text creation for your products? How can you do it more efficiently?

For e-commerce beginners, entrepreneurs with a team of copywriters and e-commerce giants, AI Copywriter presents an opportunity to speed up and make the entire product content creation process more efficient. It will save you hours of manual work and significantly reduce your costs. Plus, it will also improve SEO for you, so you'll be more visible to potential customers. Do you want to see it for yourself?

💡 On average it takes it takes about half an hour to an hour to prepare the text for one product. Simply count how many products you prepare per month for your e-shop and at what hourly rate...

Conclusion: the main advantages of AI Copywriter in LOCO

  • He works anytime, anywhere.
  • It will save you a lot of time.
  • It will reduce the cost spent on content creation.
  • It is fast and efficient.
  • His work is consistent.
  • It can optimize texts for SEO and format them at the same time.
  • He improves the texts in bulk.
  • The output is influenced by your input data.
  • You can edit the enhanced texts as needed.
  • Export is done directly to the e-shop.
  • It is suitable for anyone who is in the e-commerce business.

If you need help, we offer you the support of our team. Email us at

💡 LOCO is a unique e-commerce application for smart and efficient content management for products on your e-shop with implemented ChatGPT-4, DeepL and Google Translate. This makes LOCO a greattool for automatically creating personalized text content for your products. It can be used for both local and international markets. With the help of artificial intelligence, it can create search engine optimized (SEO) descriptions from basic e-shop text, complete with html tags. All this is created one product at a time or in bulk, or you can automate the whole process.