Apr 29, 2024

How to save up to  CZK 1 million thanks to AI and TRANSLADO on the preparation of texts for e-shops?

Thanks to AI and TRANSLADO APP, you can quickly and easily create engaging labels and localize them into other languages. Don't get left behind by your competitors and take the example of our client KULINA, who saved CZK 1 million for the preparation of texts for their e-shop thanks to TRANSLADO.

How to save up to  CZK 1 million thanks to AI and TRANSLADO on the preparation of texts for e-shops?


TRANSLADO is a tool for efficient work with AI texts for products or categories and their subsequent localization.

The platform leverages artificial intelligence and provides a significant reduction in the labor costs that are necessary for text creation today. This frees up resources to use human capacity more efficiently elsewhere. For example, as one of our leading clients, who saved 200 hours of work per month creating SEO-optimized product names and texts in 17 languages thanks to TRANSLADO.

However, we still need to keep in mind that AI is just a tool and needs to be checked. The TRANSLADO platform then serves as an environment where you can smartly and efficiently customize everything to your liking and automate the listing to your e-shop.

Save more than CZK 1 million annually in costs as Kulina

You can take inspiration from the e-shop, which has been using the  TRANSLADO application for a long time to efficiently manage translations into 17 languages and automate listing on 19 e-shops = saving one person's work.

Kulina was faced with the challenge of adapting and creating SEO-optimized and structurally standardized product names for more than 12,000 products and then localizing them into 17 languages. They used AI COPYWRITER to bulk edit the names, which allowed them to bulk edit the names into the desired SEO-optimized format.

A project that would have previously taken months to complete was 70% done in a few days and the rest was finished by internal people. By automating the work with AI texts and listing them directly in the e-shop, Kulina saves the work of 2 people every month.

Benefits of the TRANSLADO platform

Take advantage of artificial intelligence and don't fall behind your competitors. Try out TRANSLADO, a product with long-term added value for your e-shop.

Application directly for e-commerce

Allows bulk work on the product

Using AI (Chat GPT-4) to create formatted SEO-optimized product texts

Can localize products into other languages

The smart translator analyses texts and identifies duplicates → translates only unique texts, thus creating your own TRANSLATION MEMORY (you can improve, edit or translate new products).

List products directly in the e-shop or elsewhere, according to your needs

Acts as a middleware between translation agencies and other translation tools

Sample AI product text for Amazon DE


TRANSLADO is an innovative tool that brings countless benefits to e-shops and enables efficient content handling with the help of artificial intelligence. You can save a lot of time and work for your employees.

TRANSLADO brings synergy between artificial intelligence and human talent to improve the performance and results of your online store.

With TRANSLADO, you will have the upper hand over your competitors and be able to operate successfully in global markets. This tool gives you the opportunity to be one step ahead of the rest and achieve maximum efficiency in e-commerce.