Apr 29, 2024

How to use AI smartly in localization?

Are you in e-commerce and entering foreign markets? Then you need to localize your e-shop. It doesn't matter if you are a small start-up e-shop or a skilled player, TRANSLADO has a solution for both. Thanks to smart automation and AI, you save up to 60% of unnecessary costs. We'll show you how in a few steps.

How to use AI smartly in localization?


For example, do you sell fabrics and expand abroad? When translating your e-shop, think about adjusting the length units you want to sell in. This is what the localization process is all about. Localization not only involves translating your e-shop from one language to another, but it also takes into account the cultural aspects, market specifics and norms of the target country. A properly localized product should appear to local customers as if it was created just for them.

How to make localization easier? Step by step with TRANSLADO app:‍

While static parts of the e-shop can be translated in one go, it is more complicated for products. You keep adding new ones, you run into repetitive text. The ideal is to automate this phase. That's where TRANSLADO comes in. With the use of artificial intelligence, you can improve your existing content in a few clicks and optimize your texts for SEO. You then automatically translate them, have the translation evaluated by AI and, if necessary, have them proofread by professionals. Finally, you'll list the products directly in your e-shop.

  1. Imrpove existing texts and optimize them for SEO with AI
  2. Connect to foreign marketplaces
  3. Automatically translate products into other languages
  4. Let the AI evaluate the quality of the translation
  5. Tune up the texts
  6. Export products where you need them

1. Improvement of existing product texts - SEO optimization

The basis of localization is high-quality translation of texts. But you cannot make a high-quality translation from incomplete texts. Therefore, focus first and foremost on having the right source texts on your e-shop. We know from client data that e-shops have big gaps here. Texts and especially titles that are indexed for search engines are not SEO optimized. This of course has a major impact on traffic and sales itself.

TRANSLADO can use ChatGPT-4 to optimise your texts for SEO and improve them overall. Smart features AI copywriter plays with your source texts and conjures up new product names, descriptions, categories, and other parameters like a professional. The texts will appeal to search engines, plus they'll be straight formatted. And if you want to put the finishing touches on them, you or your copywriter can edit them directly in the app. But the AI does most of the work for you. You'll save yourself a lot of time and energy that you can use elsewhere.

💡 With an IQ of approximately 155, ChatGPT-4 is more intelligent than 99.9% of people. Will you try it out?

Example of description improvement:


Example of product description imrpovement before


Example of product description improvement after

2. Foreign marketplaces

Are you planning to enter foreign marketplaces? TRANSLADO has directly integrated access to Amazon and Ebay. Similar marketplaces require special product texts optimized for these platforms, otherwise your offer will quickly fall into disrepair. In our application, you can create exactly such texts in bulk. Subsequent listing of your products is again automatic. Hundreds of optimized texts for your other sales channels will be ready in the blink of an eye.

3. Intelligent automatic translation

With your SEO-friendly tuned-up texts, you can move on to the next step. Translation comes next. If you haven't had a keyword analysis of your online store yet, now is the time when it will come in handy. What will you use it for when translating? Simply upload it to the TRANSLADO interface, where it serves as a dictionary. By doing this, you give the automatic translator the words and attributes to include in the translation. This ensures that the output is as good as possible, as you simply tell the translator how to translate. In addition, you can further specify the data in the dictionary - e.g. specify words that should not be translated.

Automatic translation is provided by DeepL using the know how of CAT tools. They analyze the jointly uploaded texts, break them down into sentences, and translate only those that are unique. Each translated sentence is stored in TRANSLATION MEMORY. This forms your private content database, from which TRANSLADO draws for further translation. As a result, you can now translate smaller and smaller volumes of text and save a lot of money.

💡 Did you know that DeepL translates at a level of 60-95% of the quality of human translation (depending on the chosen language and field)?

4. AI translation evaluation

The fourth point is again made easier by artificial intelligence. You now have an automatic translation, which looks fine but could still use a bit of tuning up. Don't worry, you (and your translators) won't be spending hours reading and finding mistakes. TRANSLADO has a clever feature that evaluates the translation using AI. In just a few minutes, you'll see which parts of the translation are fine and where the text needs to be improved. This lets you know exactly which passages need to be corrected and entered for manual editing.

5. Manual revision: an essential step for perfect e-shop content after AI preparation

You are approaching the finish line. But you still have one last step to go. The most important one! So far, we've automated everything we can. Now it's time to bring humanity back to your texts and break away from computer algorithms. AI has prepared your texts, now it's time for manual revision. Editing and finishing touches to put the final touches on your text content. Can you differentiate yourself from the competition and give your texts a distinctive style? It's up to you whether you approach your copywriters/translators or use our agency. You can submit your request directly in the app. And instead of spending time searching for reliable freelancers, go for a run.

6. Final export of products

Once the translation is finalized, the product is immediately uploaded to the XML feed or the e-shop. This way you don't waste time sending assignments, finding people, rushing and then manually uploading the finished translations back to the e-shop. Plus, you can see how a particular translation is doing all the time on a clear dashboard. With TRANSLADO, you know what's going on at all times and manage your projects really efficiently.

Are you one of the e-shops using our Shoptet add-on and have separate e-shops on different foreign domains? Then you must have a problem with matching individual products or categories. According to our calculations, it takes 7 seconds to manually pair one category (if you understand it at least a little bit technically), otherwise, it is even twice as long. How about saving up to 95% of the time? At TRANSLADO, we now automate the matching of categories and parameters between separate e-stores using an AI function that can do it in 0.4 seconds. Bottom line: we can handle the volume of data that a human pairs for 60 minutes in just 3 minutes.

And you're done. Congratulations! Your translated and tuned-ip e-shop feed is now ready to be released to the world. You have completed the localization in a few steps, much faster and much cheaper than if you had done it all yourself.

Shall we team up?

Are you still getting lost at some stage? Don't worry and email us at We will be happy to get in touch with you and show you how to use effective translation management for your e-shop products in practice.

💡 TRANSLADO is a unique e-commerce application for smart and efficient translation management of products on your e-shop with implemented ChatGPT-4, DeepL and Google Translate. This makes TRANSLADO a great tool for automatically creating personalized text content for your products. It can be used for both local and international markets. With the help of artificial intelligence, it can create search engine optimized (SEO) descriptions from basic e-shop text, completed by html tags. All this is created one product at a time or in bulk, or you can automate the whole process.