Sep 4, 2024

Human control: The key to perfect accuracy in localisation

Imagine that your products can communicate with the whole world with incredible accuracy and cultural sensitivity. LOCO combines artificial intelligence with human control to make your texts resonate naturally and as authentically as possible with your customers in international markets. In today's constantly evolving technology, it is the combination of AI and human control of content that delivers true value and at a reasonable price

Human control: The key to perfect accuracy in localisation

Human control in automatic translation

Digitisation and automation are gradually changing the world of e-commerce as we know it, but the human factor remains irreplaceable. At LOCO, we have worked on a system that combines the best of both worlds - the speed and efficiency of artificial intelligence with the close supervision of experienced translators. This way, you can localize your texts into the world's most diverse languages in just a few clicks, have your translations evaluated, and easily correct those that need correction.

💡 Did you know... LOCO Quality Score helps you to rate the quality of your translations? You'll get a perfect overview of which texts still need work.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in localisation

When translating, it is not only important to translate words accurately into another language, but also to preserve the individual cultural specifics, context and cultural background. Therefore, in LOCO we focus on localization as opposed to conventional machine translation. So you can not only translate each of your texts in seconds, but also ensure that it reflects all the cultural specifics of the target market. This ensures that your translations are correct, but also appealing and respectful of local customs and culture. After all, e-commerce isn't about translation, it's about making sure your products sell as well as possible abroad. In short, your customers will feel like you're writing texts tailored to them, which increases the likelihood that they'll love your product. And buy.

Localisation and human control

LOCO introduces a translation quality rating system, the LOCO Quality Score (LQS), to help ensure the highest possible accuracy in translations. LQS evaluates translations according to three main categories:

  • 🔴 0-39%: this category indicates low-quality translations with major errors in meaning compared to the original.
  • 🟠 40-89%: translations in this category are linguistically correct, but contain errors in context or other specifics of the language that may cause misunderstandings.
  • 🟢 90-100%: this group contains translations that are considered excellent and free of errors.

With LOCO Quality Score, you can easily identify which parts of your content need additional editing. This will ensure better quality localization for your online store and save you time and resources that would otherwise be spent on inefficient checks. In this way, LOCO flags where adjustments are most needed, ensuring that products are always presented to international customers in the best possible light.

The future of localisation with LOCO

With LOCO, you can look forward to an advanced combination of human expertise and AI in location-based processes. This hybrid approach not only streamlines localization, allowing your e-commerce store to reach customers around the world quickly and efficiently. But most importantly, it increases accuracy while significantly reducing your e-commerce store's costs. Because your people are only checking what's really wrong, rather than going through product for product.

LOCO's advanced analytics tools allow you to optimize your localization strategies, but also pinpoint which parts of your content need improvement. This leads to greater efficiency in your international marketing efforts and allows you to save time and resources when preparing content for foreign markets. Try the DEMO version of LOCO today and discover how the combination of AI localization and human control can make your business easier too.